Applying to Law School


Your path to applying to law school can start as soon as your first year of undergraduate study. Follow our timeline for suggestions about activities, study habits and resources to help you get ready for law school applications. 

Prepare for law school by pursuing a challenging undergraduate program and making sure you've completed our checklist for applying. Visit the Taking the LSAT and Preparing for Law School pages for more information.

Applying to Law School: A Timeline

  • Interested in the LEAD (Legal Education Accelerated Degree) Program? You MUST join in your freshman year.
    • As a LEADer, you will have the opportunity to:
      • Earn a B.A. and J.D. in six years instead of the typical seven
      • Be guaranteed admission to KU Law after your junior year, provided that you meet the admission requirements
      • Have opportunities to connect with KU Law professors and students prior to your admission
      • Prepare for your career through specialized law-related educational activities and internship opportunities
    • Visit the LEAD Program website through KU's College of Liberal Arts & Sciences for application instructions and more information about the program for KU undergraduate students.
  • Consider joining Phi Alpha Delta, a prelaw group that serves undergraduate and graduate students who think law school might be in their future. Phi Alpha Delta’s goals include giving members a chance to hear from law professionals, helping members prepare for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and providing the resources they need to tackle the task of applying for law school. 
  • Study hard! Figure out which major you like and go for it. Pick a major you enjoy. Don’t feel like you need to be a political science major to go to law school. In fact, law schools love admitting students with different majors. Music? Industrial design? Engineering? There’s no one right path to go to law school – pick the one that is best for you.
  • Continue studying hard.
  • Consider joining a student group and dedicating some time or leadership to it. Or, volunteer or do something to show you are passionate and dedicated. Law schools look for individuals who are going to make an impact in law school and after law school as a graduate. Sophomore year is a great time to set yourself apart.
  • You guessed it, study hard! GPA is a major factor in admission.
  • Continue to get involved with your student group, volunteering or passion projects.
  • LSAT Prep
    • Most students applying for admission for the year after graduation start to study for the LSAT during their junior year, since they will likely take the LSAT in: 


      • April of their junior year; or in 
      • June, July, October, or November of their senior year. 
    • Studying is TIME-CONSUMING. You should create a study plan for yourself and follow it. Plan on at least three months of study, 20 hours per week. Many experts recommend 150-300 hours of study. 
    • How do you study? You should research different LSAT test prep options and find what works best for you. There are numerous LSAT test prep options online. Some are free (or come with a free trial). Some can be pricey. These options include, but are not limited to: 
    • Also, Phi Alpha Delta is a great place to connect with local KU students who are also studying for the LSAT.
  • Apply for the LSAT Fee Award Program if you are eligible.
  • Research law schools you’re interested in.
  • Keep on studying! Keep those grades up.
  • Take the LSAT.
    • It is recommended to take the LSAT twice if you can afford it.
  • Register with the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) Credential Assembly Service (CAS).
  • Write your personal statement.
  • Polish your resume.
  • Find at least two professors to write letters of recommendation for you.
  • Fill out and submit the application for each law school – the earlier in the cycle, the better.
  • Research and visit law schools you are accepted to.
  • Celebrate once you’re admitted!

Get law school application advice during drop-in advising hours. While fall and spring semester classes are in-session, in-person and virtual drop-in advising is available for KU students.


Information sessions are periodically organized to help students explore, prepare, and apply to law school. Check back for more information.
